
Virginia Nursing Home Abuse Investigated

A Virginia nursing home and rehabilitation center is the focus of an investigation by the Galax County Police Department, according to a local news agency. Two nursing home employees have been dismissed from employment at the nursing home under investigation. Nursing home abuse and neglect was also recently brought to light here in Tidewater when a malpractice case was settled against a nursing home whose employee had repeatedly sexually abused a patient.

These two cases paint a disturbing picture of what can and does happen to our elderly and most helpless patients in nursing homes. Often, the patient is unable to communicate effectively and report the neglect or abuse. The abuse continues until someone steps forward to report it and legal action is necessary to prevent it from happening to someone else. At Pierce & Thornton, we have handled cases of nursing home neglect and abuse. If you or anyone you know has a family member who has been neglected or abused in a long-term care facility, please contact one of our lawyers for a free consultation.

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